Reducing the environmental footprint is an important part of the VTB Group’s new Development Strategy. A high degree of digitalisation and the use of innovative tech solutions across business processes call for the transition to paperless internal and external workflows and to more efficient use of resources by all Group companies.
Year after year VTB continues to increase its energy efficiency, renovating the operated facilities, implementing resource saving technologies and training its employees to use resources rationally. The Group thus strives to minimise its negative environmental footprint through stringent control of all types of resource use.
Key measures to minimise VTB Bank’s environmental footprint in 2019
Another important line of VTB’s activity is increasing the efficiency of real estate use. To create unified centres of operation, the Bank strives for optimal distribution of infrastructure assets by reducing office area and minimising duplicated employee functions, thus reducing consumption of resources and environmental footprint. The first outcomes of reduced environmental footprint under this initiative are expected in late 2020.
Companies of the Group actively took actions to use resources more efficiently in 2019. These actions included, among other things, replacement of filament lamps with LED lamps, implementation of e-document flow, transition to environmentally-friendly means of transport, and optimisation of existing floor spaces. An important role in these activities is played by lean projects – steps that optimise internal workflows, making for more efficient use of resources.
Total fuel consumption in the reporting period showed insignificant growth considering new purchased assets. In the last year, fuel consumption decreased by 32%. This achievement was due to the optimised use of the car fleet. Optimised fuel consumption by VTB Group companies (including new assets) had a corresponding effect on direct greenhouse gas emissions. In 2019, total electric energy consumption reached 275,050 kW·h .
The year-on-year growth is due to the inclusion of new assets. Without including the new assets, electric energy consumption and associated indirect greenhouse gas emissions remained approximately at the same level as in 2018.
Paper consumption also grew insignificantly, considering the inclusion of new assets. Paper consumption (excluding that by new assets) decreased by 9%. In the future, the VTB Group plans to significantly decrease this indicator following the implementation of e-document flow.
Key indicators for the Group’s activities to decrease consumption of resources and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2017–2019
excluding new assets
including new assetsOur new assets include Vozrozhdenie Bank, Sarovbusinessbank, and Zapsibkombank.
Total electric energy consumption, kW·h
Total fuel consumption, thousand litres
Paper consumption, tonnes
Direct GHG emissions, in tonnes of CO2 equivalent
Indirect GHG emissions, in tonnes of CO2 equivalent