A Country for Business
VTB sponsors and organises business events both in Russia and internationally. VTB Group companies take part in hosting major industry events relevant to VTB Bank’s strategically important lines of business. We support projects aiming to develop modern technology in Russia’s banking and other economic sectors, including projects that help achieve the strategic objectives for 2024 envisaged by a national project called Digital Economy.
To strengthen its business reputation and develop the business community in 2019, the Bank supported more than 40 events, including 9 major international forums (Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum, Eastern Economic Forum, Russian Investment Forum, Russia Calling Forum, etc.) and several industry conferences. The forums drew more than 60,000 attendees. The events discussed economic growth, monetary policy, and steps to strengthen Russia’s economic competitiveness and enhance resource mobility, as well as key factors for economic growth and the risks faced by investors, companies, and the public.
In 2019, VTB Capital hosted a business breakfast at the World Economic Forum in Davos. The event dealt with maintaining Russia’s competitiveness. Participants looked into supporting talent; industry diversification; opportunities that cities have as platforms for global cooperation; Middle East military and political interactions; and the Eurasian economic and political agenda.
Positioning itself as a leader in innovative financial technology, VTB Bank takes an active part in discussions and events relating to this topic. Examples include three high-tech conferences supported by the Bank: Joker, a JAVA developer and team leader conference; the SQA (Software Quality Assurance) Days International Conference; and Mobius, a mobile-developer conference.

Key events supported by VTB Bank in 2019

Russian Investment Forum (Sochi)
- 1,501 media stories, including TV coverage

Moscow Financial Forum
- Address by President and Chairman of the Management Board Andrey Kostin as a key note speaker at the forum plenary attended by Chairman of the Russian Government Dmitry Medvedev and Sergei Sobyanin, mayor of Moscow
- About 10 products featured on the Bank’s stand
- 866 media stories

St. Petersburg International Economic Forum
- 25 agreements in place
- 80+ talks and meetings
- 30+ media scrums
- 8,408 media stories, including TV coverage

Joker 2019: International Java Conference
- 549 games
- 500+ potential candidates

International Financial Congress (Saint Petersburg)
- 26 VTB delegates
- 5 VTB speakers
- 196 media stories

FINOPOLIS: Forum of Innovative Financial Technologies (Sochi)
- 10 VTB technology products and services
- 442 purchases via the VTB app
- 176 media mentions
- 10+ hours of public presentations

Moscow Urban Forum
- 88 VTB delegates
- 7 VTB Bank speakers
- Address by President and Chairman of the Management Board Andrey Kostin as a key note speaker at the plenary
- Panel discussion called Smart City Today: How Is Digitalisation Changing the Quality of Life in Russian Cities?
- 10 products featured on the Bank’s stand
- 129 media stories

26th International Conference Software Quality Assurance Days
- 200+ potential candidates
- 190 Bingo participants

Eastern Economic Forum
- 16 agreements
- 20+ talks and meetings
- About 20 media scrums and interviews
- 2,652 media stories

Mobius Conference 2019
- 500+ participants
- 300 potential candidates
- 171 games

Support for female entrepreneurship
As part of the Country for Business programme in 2019, Vozrozhdenie Bank supported female entrepreneurship, taking part in organising regional exhibitions and forums on the topic.
Mom Can Do Everything, Serpukhov Business Incubator. The Bank supported a photo exhibition for the Mom Can Do Everything project in Serpukhov. The project is running in Moscow region under the patronage of Oksana Pushkina, a State Duma deputy, seeking as its chief aim to advance female entrepreneurship. The project involves holding photo exhibitions at Moscow region business incubators, featuring female entrepreneurs as the main focus.
Business the Women’s Way, Rostov-on-Don. The year 2019 was the first time the Bank had supported Business the Women’s Way, a forum organised by Rostov region’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Regional Agency for Entrepreneurship Support. The event included panels, discussions, training sessions, and clinics, bringing together over 200 female entrepreneurs.
Lady Business Forum, Chekhov. The year also saw the Bank become a partner for the Lady Business competition in Chekhov. The competition was organised by the Chekhov branch of the Moscow region Chamber of Commerce and Industry together with the Chekhov Town Government. The event’s purpose was to promote women-led business across the region. Some 50 entrepreneurs took part, presenting their projects. Six of them were recognised with awards.